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the area’s top leaders and decision makers with tremendous buying power.
Annual Real Estate MAgazine
The Business Record is the go-to resource for real estate news and information in central Iowa. The Annual Real Estate Magazine provides market analysis, current market facts, detailed listing information and profiles of leaders within the industry.
• Empty space costs a fortune. Market your properties to move them off your inventory faster. By keeping
your properties in front of business leaders, investors and owners, expand your opportunity to turn a
vacant property into a revenue generating property.
• Businesses on the move need more than just space. They need facility services. They need building
finish, interior design, equipment, furniture, lighting, and everything needed to run a business effectively
and efficiently.
• Businesses need advice, consultation and guidance on everything from property management to
development and investing. Explain how your representation can help their success.
Sponsorship Opportunities & Advertising Rates
Chapter Sponsorships: $5,195
(Five available: Office, Retail, Industrial, Land and Residential)
Premium Positions : $3,640
(back cover, inside front cover, page 3, & page 5)
Full Page or Profile: $3,070
Half Page or Profile: $1,820
Quarter Page: $1,095
*Bonus pricing for ROP Full Page Advertisers on additional Profiles
— Full page $990, Half page $670
Feature Listings
All full-page advertisers or larger can call special attention to up to four of their properties by making them featured listings in the magazine. This is NOT an ad. This is a special bonus (free) to large space advertisers, therefore no logos or text beyond what’s in the regular listing will be used.
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Business Record is a trusted brand providing advertisers with multiple approaches to reaching the people who count with their marketing budgets.
Annual Real Estate Magazine
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